Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Today and Tomorrow/March 24

"I am a wartime President."

I am a child now.  It's World War II.  I am pasting little "victory" stamps into my book.  I ride my bike over to the Victory Garden in the lot on the corner.  Every day we check to see signs of the seeds we planted.  My mother is pouring grease into a tin can.  Something about ammunition.  We have our ration books at hand.  I am obsessed with reading about the sailors who survived being tossed into the sea.

My mother keeps telling me that "Roosevelt will keep us safe. He is our President.  He will save us."
The day he died my mother cried and cried.  She hugged me.  I knew something very important had happened.


  1. I remember my mother showing me the Victory Garden when I grew up. My grandfather didn't like Roosevelt because he was almost a Communist.

  2. Think anyone is saying "Trump will keep us safe."???
