Saturday, March 21, 2020

today and tomorrow/March 21



It seems as though many adults presume that due to this virus, high schoolers have been dismissed from school only to have complete, leisurely free time. In actuality, teachers- at least the ones at my school- have been utilizing the "Google Classroom," an online method of lesson distribution, to teach us from home. It has been a strange adjustment to get used to, but thanks to the internet we are all able to feel a little more connected during these isolating (literally!) times than we would have otherwise.
Joan:  You are my youngest voice and whenever you contribute my readers love you!

Gerry Stein

Our favorite psychologist is back.  Every time I hear from him, I feel better.  You can google him at  I am also going to forward his email version where you can leave a comment.


“Maybe that's why people in Cuba are so friendly, caring about each other, and down to Earth.
The permanent crisis there makes people understand the importance of community.”


Last night I took Charlie, our dog, out for a walk.  I noticed a father and his 3 kids playing basketball in their driveway, another father and son talking a walk, and several folks walking their dogs.  Our weather is nice and I think all of these people represent us all making the best of our collective self isolation.  It is reassuring.


I hope you're doing all right. I've told my mom about something I've heard about here: "quarantini's." It's  getting together with friends for cocktails--over google hangouts or facetime or Zoom! She thought it sounded fun, so maybe she can set one up with you :)
Joan:  When the toilet paper aisles were empty at my local store, the liquor section was full.  Another reason to ponder: "What's wrong with us!"  Right now, Quarantini is my favorite word.

I noticed that Kenny Rogers "folded 'em."  I liked his music.  RIP.

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