Friday, March 13, 2020

The Two V's

The Virus and the Voter.

Virus:  Okay everyone, now that I’ve got your attention,  are you ready to really get engaged and maybe save your life?  Are you ready to demand government backed health care for everyone?  Are you ready to demand a living wage, some affordable housing, a safety net?

Voter:  Ohhh.  I am so scared.  Now is not the time to overturn everything.   It won’t happen.  I’m bummed about working from home and no basketball.  I just want to return to normal.  Put some nice people in charge. We’ll work it all out eventually.  

Virus:  Sorry for the intrusion.  And good luck with all that.


  1. I think you take the right point about the implications of this evidence of the failure of our healthcare system. A physician being interviewed by Katy Tur said that the reason more testing isn't being offered yet is not because the University facilities and other sources don't have the capacity to generate the tests, but because they don't know who is going to pay for them. At such times, capitalism displays its limitations, for all the benefits it allows to some of us under more normal conditions.

  2. It shouldn't be rocket science to understand that paying for testing AND treatment and providing sick leave and sick pay, protects ALL of us. We don't live in a bubble, even the billionaires and presidents (yes, Mr. Trump, you too) come into contact with those who test positive.
