Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Last Chapter


I was away at college when Harry had a breakdown and entered a mental hospital.  I kept my distance. Was it buried fear? Throughout my early childhood I clung to the idea that mother was invincible and that we were safe with her in charge.

Or maybe it was my age.  Or that I was wrapped up in school. No, I think I just could’t imagine her ever being vulnerable or that I had anything to offer her. We both paid the price for her being so complete.

Harry came home gutted from electro-shock therapy and unable to resume his productive life. And yes, my mother became a widow again. But this time she had money and social standing. Her marriage to Harry was an important chapter in the life she created for herself.                             

 “Harry: I’m glad for the time I had with you.  You remain a very fond memory.”

As you’ve probably figured out by now, I didn’t know my mother very well.  I don’t think anyone really did. We both put up with a lot from each other  Her certainty left me always asking questions.  Now, in old age, I’ve decided to close the books this way:  She gave us opportunity. What would our lives have been if she hadn’t stepped up and been so resourceful?

1 comment:

  1. Joan, reaching closure with your Mother hopefully provides you some internal peace. 💞Camille
