Wednesday, July 17, 2024

An Education

 Education was important to my mother.  She was smart enough to know how much she had missed  So no public schools for Jo and me when we were ready.  My first stop was at Miss Newman’s School for Girls.  It might as well have been called “for bad girls” for many of my classmates were deep into rebellion.  I learned as much as the Newman sisters had to offer, while I had fun observing and slightly participating in the wild side.

My education odyssey continued at the Grosse Pointe Country Day School and finally at Kingswood which was the girls school of the Cranbrook Academy.  I was lonely as a boarder and angry to be sent away from my friends. Now I can say those years paid off.  I was too young then to appreciate the iconic architecture or the surroundings. That came later. But the high standards and the great teachers reignited and solidified my love of learning.  

And it’s lasted all this time.


  1. Your love of learning definitely is one of your greatest qualities!!

  2. I doubt any of us had any inkling of appreciation for our incredible surroundings at Kingswood, but if you were lonely you sure didn’t show it,! And I have the proof: Our yearbook describes you as “Spark plug of the dorm!” And you were that and more, my friend.
