Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Asleep in the Stands


During the war, Harry was in the Air Force stationed at Wright Field in Ohio.  He was doing research on the effects of the speed of sound and space travel on the human body.  One of his team was the trainer for the Detroit Tigers.  Harry kept him in place so he never saw combat.

“After the war Harry, I’m going to treat you to a great day at the park!”  This meant little to Harry but he realized it would mean everything to me.  We sat behind the dugout.  I got to meet the players.  They gave me an autographed ball.

In the bottom of the ninth I woke him up.  “Harry, this is the best day ever!”

Much later, when I was working for the American Medical Association, I looked him up in their archives.  Harry’s stats were every bit as good as those of the players I met on that special day.


  1. While no one could replace your dad, but Harry sounds like a wonderful man. You won the Plan B Lottery, Joan.

  2. I agree with Gerald, Joan ! I see where your love of baseball got its start!!

    1. It got its start much earlier, but Harry helped it to become full blown.
