Saturday, July 6, 2024

Pushed Out


 Jane and MaryAnn ganged up on me.  They followed close behind me home from school and yelled mean things.  Of course I did’nt tell anyone because that would be giving in.  But when MaryAnn grabbed my trading cards, I squealed.

My mother told MaryAnn’s mother who insisted on bringing her daughter over to apologize.  Oh, no…..  All I wanted was to be let back in.

  I still pay too much attention to where I stand.

P.S  MaryAnn was the daughter of Harry Heilmann, the announcer for the Tigers.  I didn’t blame him, and continued my love of baseball.


  1. A footnote, Joan. Harry Heilmann was a Hall of Fame baseball player before he was a broadcaster. His lifetime batting average was .342.

  2. Prior to HS I moved every couple of years, so had to learn to take the initiative on making new friends. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons I so cherish my adulthood long term friendships like ours!!!💞

  3. Above comment by Camille😘
