Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Moving Around


Sometimes I would stay with my family in Toledo.  I would start out at Aunt Charlotte’s where I was supposed to have fun with my cousin Claire.  It didn’t work out that way.  I wanted to go outside, poke around the neighborhood, see what the other kids were up to.  Claire wanted to stay close to her mother so she could hear the family gossip.  She didn’t want to miss a word of the phone conversations with Aunt Jeanette.

My favorites on these Toledo trips were Aunt Bertha and Uncle Moe. They were younger, and definitely more fun.  When I got tired of Aunt Charlotte’s and Claire, I would plead with them to let me stay at their house.  They always said, “Yes.”

It was the right place to be because I discovered Don who lived next door.  He was my first boyfriend!  Our paths crossed a few times over the years and always in good ways.


  1. You’re very lucky you have those memories good and bad. How many years did you live with Jo?

    1. Jo and I went to boarding schools for most of high school. And then away to college.

  2. Another wonderful memory! 💞Camille
