Sunday, July 7, 2024

Named for Her


My middle name is Florence.  I’m named for Aunt Flo, my father’s sister, who died before I was born.  I only have small pieces of this story but it’s an important one to tell.

"Where is Aunt Flo, Dad?  Why am I named after her?"  My parents just said she died young, so I didn't hear the truth until I was an adult.

Florence got pregnant by a married man.  Her parents were furious and kicked her out.  She ended up jumping from a high window to her death.

 When he was an old man, my Uncle Moe revealed how much it affected the brothers and sisters she left behind.  The confusion, the imposed silence, the pain. It stayed with them.

I’m glad my parents gave part of my name to her memory.  Aunt Flo deserves a place among us and I wear her name with pride. 


  1. Bringing an old name to life is an old Jewish tradition, as you know, Joan. One doesn't name a new child after anyone living, but often do it after a death. Thus, my brother Edward was named after my dad's father, who had died a few years before. If I understand the tradition, it typically applies to first names.

    You continue to give Florence the life she didn't have, Joan. Brava!

  2. Easing the pain of death with the power of memory is one of the main reasons I am telling these stories.

  3. What a tragedy for Aunt Flo; yet, how meaningful she lives on through you. As an aside, did you know my niece Danielle in NC has Camille as her middle name? She’s always said how much she loves her name. Means a lot to me, too. 💞Camille

  4. What I've learned is that my family story is everyone's story one way or another.

  5. Your stories are universal. I can see myself and my family in them even though we're from a completely different culture. Thanks for sharing these stories!
