Monday, June 24, 2024

Still Curious


I bought myself a new notebook and started jotting down childhood memories.  When remembering my Aunts and Uncles, I started thinking about my Aunt Jeanette. She was always off to the side.  Never married. Didn’t seem to have much of a life of her own.  She took care of her parents until they died and then counted on her brothers and sisters to take care of her. She had a job as a clerk but her main activity seemed to be talking to my Aunt Charlotte on the phone two or three times a day.

She came to a sad end (suicide).  I'm tempted to say tragic but that word seems too large for what happened.  Aunt Charlotte was killed in a car accident and Aunt Jeanette decided to join her a short time later. 

As I write this I wonder if the Jeanettes of the world have secrets, plans, or dreams that we never find out about.   Or are they content.  Beyond the reach of imagination or mystery.


  1. I love the idea of capturing memories of our past. I am feeling a bit sad for the passing of both of your aunts in tragic ways. 💞Camille

  2. Your question is a good one, Joan. It is hard to believe that the brain of such a one is wiped clean of imagination and observation of another way to live. That said, she might have adapted and boxed off what was else was possible.

  3. Love your new notebook, Joan! I think the stories are always about the storyteller too, and you tell it well. I am grateful that I emerged in a time where I could be a job-holding, no kids, single woman and still have expectations for a full life. PK

  4. I’ve done something a little different, Joan. I started with a journal, like you, of my childhood memories, drawing pictures to illustrate along the way, but it led me back centuries to those who came before me that had influenced the path I was on. It will be a good record for my children. And it took an interesting twist as I began to think of all the dishes I was raised on—and thus raised my children on. Their Christmas gift this year is a book for each of them of 50 recipes, each with a story of when it came to the family table.

  5. Joan, I'm wondering why you don't also post your essays on Facebook. I know they would be appreciated and applauded.
