Monday, May 27, 2024

Memory Day


I started chatting with a distinguished looking man in the donut line this morning. (Dark suit, red tie, wire glasses.) Turns out he’s the manager of Rosehill Cemetery.  I go by it all the time.  “Are there many vets there?” I ask, thinking of today.“  “We actually have quit a few from the Civil War.” He seemed proud.

I’ve been so busy thinking of our recent tragic wars, I forgot to include this one.

As I was leaving the lot, I noticed a marvelous black vintage car.  Perfect condition. The Cemetery Man approached.  “Great car!”, I smiled with joy.  “It’s a 1953 Buick sedan,”  he beamed. 

Vets. Buicks.  Yes, it’s a day for memories.


  1. Memories and fathers, for the most part. And I know your dad comes to mind, Joan. Be well.

  2. Love the story about Cemetery Man and
    the big Buick. It could be a short story and I think you should write it! I remember those Buicks, like big tanks rolling down the highway. Thanks for the memories. Kathy
