Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Charlotte the Smuggler

Writing about my Aunts and Uncles reminded me of this favorite story about Aunt Charlotte.  It was in my book : Joan Chandler Today.

 Charlotte the Smuggler

“Jeanette, I don’t know why to do.  Jay is crazy.”  Charlotte was obviously speaking to her sister.  “You know those big cigars Jay loves to smoke? With this Castro thing you can’t buy them here anymore so Jay wants me to buy them for him in Windsor.” He called me last night.  “Char honey, please.”  “Jeanette, that’s when I realized it’s illegal.  He thinks no one will suspect me.”

Charlotte was right.  A plump housewife no one would notice.  Jay was right too.  He knew if he sweet talked his sister he could get her to do just about anything.  He was the smart, sophisticated, handsome one.  His sisters loved him to death.

And thus began the time of Charlotte the smuggler.  She took a bus from Toledo to Detroit and over the bridge to Canada.  She went about once every six months for three years.

And much later, when Jay was gone, it became one of her favorite memories.  “Of course,” she would say to herself, “I never got caught.'


  1. You capture your family stories so well!!! Camille

  2. A good story, Joan. I am imagining the "plump housewife" sneaking under the barb wire fence.
