Saturday, June 29, 2024

Mysteries of Life

 My first awareness of the "mysteries of life" occurred the summer I stayed with Aunt Doris and Uncle Frank at the cottage.  One day I hated everyone, just couldn't stand to be there for one more minute.

I knew I had a dollar in my drawer.  I figured that was enough to buy a bus ticket back to Detroit so I could be with my friends.   I opened the drawer.  No dollar.  It wasn't there. That was the end of my secret plan.

A few days later, I went back to the drawer and the dollar was there.  Exactly where it was supposed to be.  By then the urge to leave was long gone.

No one has ever been able to convince me that the scientific, rational approach to life explains everything. And, I have a few more stories like this one to keep that belief in place.  There's always more for us to explore.


  1. I have to admit, I took it, Joan. Then I felt guilty and put it back.

  2. i LOVE your family series, as i finish the last one!!! your stories really came to life!!! i wish we knew each other as children... i have a feeling we would have had just as much fun then as we do together now!!
