Sunday, June 30, 2024


 The sun woke me up.  It was a school day.  Why weren't we all getting ready?

Why was everything so quiet?  I found my mother sitting up in her bed.  Aunt Doris was there. Why?

Very softly, mother said: “I have something sad to tell you Joanie.  Your father died in the hospital last night,”  I was eight years old.  None of this made any sense.

 I’m old now and, looking back, I see that moment as a preview of a life in which things are not expected to make much sense. And, I suspect we all live with one moment or another that keeps tapping us on the shoulder. Grabbing our attention. 

I’ve missed him every day. 


  1. Poignant and true of what it means to be the only creature who knows the limits of what is in its control.

  2. A monumental moment captured beautifully. 💞Camille

  3. So unfair that you had such a huge loss so early in life. And I know that you have always missed him and the experiences that you would have had with him. But somehow, it contributed to making you into the wonderful person you are. Phyllis
