Friday, June 28, 2024

Grandma Duncan


Grandma Duncan's husband (my mother's father) was long gone before I was born.  No one talked about him and I never thought to ask.  She was what they call now a "single mother." She worked in the alteration department of the B.R. Baker Company, Toledo, Ohio, men's clothing.  Her job was called seamstress.

I bet she never thought of it this way but sewing was her special talent.  She made beautiful doll clothes for my Shirley Temple.  There was a patchwork quilt that was the kind they hang in museums today. Natural talent has a way of showing up in small places among the unrecognized.

When my mother wasn't around, she let us have pie for breakfast.


  1. Joan, you have captured some interesting and loving family members. What nice memories to pass on to your own grandchildren.

  2. Who’s in the pic???

    1. I go to Google Images and enter the subject. There are stock photos for just about everything.
