Monday, January 22, 2024

The Invisible


1968.  What do you remember?  The men in my class studying that tumultuous year remember one thing vividly:  their draft number.  As a woman, it's hard to imagine the lottery of life or death inflicted on that young generation.  Some feelings of awe still remain when I think of their plight.

As for the more privileged, they trembled over paying tuition and keeping their grades up.  Staying in school was their lifeline.

And today, how many of us know a soldier?  Not me.


  1. Well said, Joan. The volunteer army, thought the best thing since sliced bread, severed the bond among different social classes and individuals from different parts of the country, as well as the families of those who fight and risk their children's lives and those who don't. The Draft would reduce the number of young people who die. Families would vote against those who send them into battle.

  2. Well, let me introduce you to ny grandson, Pat Toth. He is no longer active, but has stayed with the Army reserves, and will soon finish 20 years. And son, Bill, was a paratrooper--guess I should say Airborne. Best thing those two youngsters did was serve in the military. Seriously. And, of course, my brother, Cary, was a career Naval Captaiin. Said once you have stood on the deck of your own ship, there is. no other experience to match it.

    1. Hi Sally. It’s Joan. Thanks so much for your comment. I so frequently learn so much from you. Your family represents us with honor.

    2. Hi Joan - Didn't mean to imply that I have any particular love of the military or war, for that matter. Just wanted to indicate that in my son's and grandson'sexperience, serving instilled in them a sense of duty, loyalty, and direction that was sorely needed at age 18. Frankly, if I ran the world, every 18 year old would have to put in a couple years of service of some kind--humanitarian aid would be nice.

  3. P.S. Between the three of them they covered WWII,, Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan.
