Sunday, February 25, 2024

Sliding Doors

 Sliding Doors is a film that Bill produced in 1998.  It addressed a universal theme:  how our lives are affected by the decisions we make.  In this case, the story covers the two paths the character's life could take depending upon whether she catches a train.  It stars Gwyneth Paltrow as the girl with "two lives." Most of us spend a lot of mental energy contemplating "what if I had done this instead."  I know I do.  

Lately, in listening to the radio and TV, I've noticed that the expression "sliding doors" has come into our conversations.  As in "he had a sliding doors moment."  It's not often that a film title becomes part of our language that everyone understands.

Yogi Berra thought about it too: "When you reach a fork in the road, take it."

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Decent Guys

 When I wake up in the middle of the night, I usually listen to a podcast and eventually fall back asleep. Usually, I have only a vague memory of what the podcast was about.  But sometimes I am so interested that I remain awake.

The Bill Bradley interview was compelling.  You remember him:  the basketball champion who became a Senator and then ran for President.  I was a volunteer for that last campaign.  He lost out to Al Gore.

Bradley has developed a one man show about his life and his values.  He's taken it around the country and there's a video of it streaming on Max.  He says he hopes his story will bring some healing to us and the country.

Bill Bradley and Al Gore.  Imagine when we had a choice between two very decent guys.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

A New Look

 I've spent the last few days enjoying a new look at life.  My brain has been stretched by seeing alternative expectations.

On Friday, I saw The Monk and the Gun.  This is a film that Bill's production company financed and encouraged.  For a few hours I watched another way to be human.  It is funny, deep and persuasive.  I hope it becomes on of those stories that sticks around for a long time.  We need it.

Yesterday I watched the Netflix documentary about the creation of the anthem We Are The World. All of the top stars in popular music left their agents and handlers outside the room.  The collaboration demanded community over competition.  It was magic.

Today is Super Bowl Sunday in the U.S.  Hundreds of millions will watch the intense competition.  I'm one of them.  Is this what unites us here today?