Friday, January 5, 2024

The Fans are Weeping


This is definitely NOT what I want to show up on my Facebook page:  White Sox Viewed as one of the Worst Teams in MLB Heading into 2024.  It's from the Score, one of our biggest sports radio stations.  Unfortunately I'd believe it if it came from anywhere.

I'm used to cheering for the losing side. It's the fate of any lefty in politics, and any Chicagoan in sports. The rumor is that Reinsdorf wants the team in Nashville and only the league is making him stay put.  Why do we have such miserable owners!  

The beautiful Steve Goodman is gone.  So we don't even have him to fashion a decent lament.


  1. I am amazed people still come to the park. In a dark time in the world, paying admission for more unhappiness is no bargain.

  2. It's hope, Gerry, foolish hope.
