Sunday, January 7, 2024

Are We Free?

There’s a debate going on between physicists and the rest of us over “free will.”  The physicists say that our actions are particles moving through our bodies and subject to the laws of matter apart from individual decision. 

The response is: “Not so fast.”  If science is going to suggest that the very way we experience existence is a delusion,  we need to work harder to solve this mystery.  Find some way toward compatibility.

The last time I paid attention to this stuff was when it was about “objective reality.” You remember.  “When a tree falls in an unattended forest, does it make a sound?”  Or, “is there even a tree…or a forest?”  Observation determines reality.

I’m going to hang on to “free will” while the debate goes on. And, I believe that compatibility is the worthy goal.  After all, if someone (or AI) uses the movements of particles OR  “free will”  to blow up the world, the physicists are going to disappear along with everyone else. 

1 comment:

  1. how do we know one way or the other? Since we don't I can't (don't want to) deal with it. There are enough other things to worry about, like whether the US will become like Bangladesh with no opposition on the ballot. If that makes me a non-intellectual, so be it.
