Tuesday, January 9, 2024

My Furry Friend

 When I got on the elevator yesterday, there was an attractive woman wearing a very attractive fur coat.  “Oh," I said, “Im so glad to have a furry friend in the building. I have a few furs in my closet that I love to wear. My friends call me a ‘holdout’.”

My favorite is a long haired raccoon jacket that makes quite a statement.  It originally belonged to my friend Beverly who decided to become  “manmade” only.  I know when she met St. Peter a few years ago, he let her right in. I guess I’ll have to take my chances.

I’m not making a fur statement very often these days.  Global warming and my old age reluctance to spend much time out in freezing weather have left “the animal” feeling lonely.

Those basketball players in their huge fur coats sure look good.  Speaking of that, I only repeat my wonderful Wilt Chamberlain fur story upon request.  


  1. As long as you don't buy another, I'd not worry about Heaven's Gate, Joan.

  2. I remember years ago you let me borrow your mink for a winter. I loved it so much I bought a mink coat. My coat was sold on eBay about 10 years ago. Camille
