Monday, August 19, 2024

Up Close

 Things are more intense when you believe you may be experiencing them for the last time.  I felt this way while watching and loving the Olympics.  And now, I'm getting ready to focus on the Democratic Convention here in Chicago.

My friends all know that I was slightly "up close and personal" during the infamous 1968 Convention.  I was working for the ACLU, had demonstrators staying with friends, and later volunteered for Quentin Young, M.D., the hero of the Grant Park wounded.

This time I'm counting on my friend Bonnie who lives downtown to be on the scene for me.  Among her many talents she's a natural reporter.  And she has a cousin who's a delegate. 

"About 8:30 p.m. I passed the Hilton.  Oh, the memories! Abortion women across the street and they were excellent.  Never heard pro abortion better.  Calm, sensible advocacy.  I was truly impressed!"

Abbie Hoffman would have had so much fun with Tic Toc.


  1. An old friend was married at the Hilton that night in 1968. His sister, a protester across the street in Grant Park, arrived at the celebration bleeding. Not surprisingly, the marriage was also a disaster. I hope this time is better for all. Enjoy it, Joan!

  2. Two
    People I know are delegates from ID. They are excellent and active Democrats. They’re also posting pics on Facebook. Fun!! BTW I think it’s likely you’ll see the next Olympics and Democratic convention—at least I hope we both are here for them. Love to you, Camille

    1. I remember 1968 quite well and I was in Chicago. I'd been protesting the war in college, marching on Washington, etc. I'm embarrassed to admit in 1968 I wasn't protesting. I was at a friend's watching football when it happened. Marilyn

    2. Today I spent the afternoon at an ERA program! It was just liken 50 years ago. Everyone there including Nancy pelosi

    3. Thanks for the update Bonnie.
