Friday, August 23, 2024

Democrats Are Fans

 Maybe it was the thrill of the Olympics.  Maybe it was finally being willing to look at what we watch, talk about and enjoy together. It was probably a big dose of putting everything else aside to win.

It started with Bernie, who was given a slot to speak.   This steady warrior once again presented his clear position on what we deserve. The delegates sat on their hands.  Sorry Bernie, not this time.

Steve Kerr’s appearance seemed a surprise choice early but ended being obvious.  A winner when it counts. 

Our first taste of USA! USA!

Forget that he’s a Governor.  Or a former Congressman.  Or Soldier.  Tim Walz is COACH!

So here we are.  Will it work? From fans to voters?  From Friday Night Lights to Tuesday morning lines? 

My baseball class starts next week.  The book is “Why We Love Baseball.”  Makes perfect sense.


  1. I’m so hoping we are celebrating in early Nivrmber!

  2. I’m hoping November 5 will cause a huge celebration. I’m having a postcard writing party in October. We are writing to registered Dems to remind the the importance of voting!

  3. PS. I write the above. 💞Camille

  4. May she certify her own election!

  5. It is a hopeful, joyous, and sometimes touching moment. I imagine if the good guys win I will smile and weep. And I won't be alone in either.
