Monday, August 26, 2024

My Lost Summer

 Yesterday, the White Sox lost their 100th game.  100th game!  There is no way I can absorb this.  They will go on to become the team that loses the most games ever in the history of professional baseball.  And, this is my team.   Yes, I stopped watching the games.  Losing …plus the terrible broadcaster they hired was too much. But I can’t help myself from checking to see what they do each day.  

I don’t know how to incorporate this into my life.  Don’t bother pointing out that this is just baseball.  As if any fan would pay attention to that puny observation.  

The local sports writers and broadcasters expressed their fury and their despair until they ran dry.  Now, the White Sox have been picked up as a national story. Joking it up.

My Literature of Baseball class starts in a few weeks.  The book is:  Why We Love Baseball.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Waiting for Beyonce

 No, she didn’t show up. but rumors of Beyonce’s anticipated arrival kept popping up in TV coverage.  Taylor Swift didn’t appear either, but don’t you think the frenzy surrounding her NFL romance gave the Dems the idea that maybe they should start loving football too?

Everyone loved the playlist piped during the roll call of the states.  I didn’t recognize any of the songs.  Maybe a hint of Bruce Springsteen?  

I loved Stevie Wonder and Patti LaBelle but when it comes to new (?) music, I am totally out of it.

My time comes when my friend Elaine posts her “wine time” songs on Facebook.  That’s when the lyrics I love come forth.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Democrats Are Fans

 Maybe it was the thrill of the Olympics.  Maybe it was finally being willing to look at what we watch, talk about and enjoy together. It was probably a big dose of putting everything else aside to win.

It started with Bernie, who was given a slot to speak.   This steady warrior once again presented his clear position on what we deserve. The delegates sat on their hands.  Sorry Bernie, not this time.

Steve Kerr’s appearance seemed a surprise choice early but ended being obvious.  A winner when it counts. 

Our first taste of USA! USA!

Forget that he’s a Governor.  Or a former Congressman.  Or Soldier.  Tim Walz is COACH!

So here we are.  Will it work? From fans to voters?  From Friday Night Lights to Tuesday morning lines? 

My baseball class starts next week.  The book is “Why We Love Baseball.”  Makes perfect sense.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Up Close

 Things are more intense when you believe you may be experiencing them for the last time.  I felt this way while watching and loving the Olympics.  And now, I'm getting ready to focus on the Democratic Convention here in Chicago.

My friends all know that I was slightly "up close and personal" during the infamous 1968 Convention.  I was working for the ACLU, had demonstrators staying with friends, and later volunteered for Quentin Young, M.D., the hero of the Grant Park wounded.

This time I'm counting on my friend Bonnie who lives downtown to be on the scene for me.  Among her many talents she's a natural reporter.  And she has a cousin who's a delegate. 

"About 8:30 p.m. I passed the Hilton.  Oh, the memories! Abortion women across the street and they were excellent.  Never heard pro abortion better.  Calm, sensible advocacy.  I was truly impressed!"

Abbie Hoffman would have had so much fun with Tic Toc.

Thursday, August 8, 2024


 I've decided to feel good about Harris/Walz. Not the lost cause kind of good I felt about Gene McCarthy or Bernie.  The hopeful Obama good that goes with imagining the possibility of a win

Most of my political classes discuss the crippling problems of our unique and creaky old system. Gerrymandering, the electoral college, voter suppression, floods of money. 

So yes, I see the black clouds of eventual disappointment.  That's why it's a deliberate choice to be in the sun.
