Tuesday, April 25, 2023

A Wonderful Life


Harry Belafonte.  I've been thinking about and learning about him all day today.  I saw him perform once at the Empire Room.  That was a rare treat. He was a close friend and major supporter of Martin Luther King.  Did you know he was the one who bailed him out of the "Birmingham Jail?"  Or,  that he used his smarts and connections to make sure the March On Washington was a celebrity infused and thus popular media event?

I met him once.  It was when I was on the staff of Adlai Stevenson's presidential campaign.  I attended a dinner hosted by a wealthy donor and Belafonte was the featured guest.  While charming us all, he excused himself to spend time in the kitchen with the workers there.

Elsa met him through a mutual friend and his connections with Cuba.  At Elsa's birthday dinner to which Belafonte was invited, she was actually able to enjoy him singing Happy Birthday.

Harry Belafonte would have been beloved as a marvelous entertainer.  He was so much more. He fought for justice and he never slowed down.  Now he is gone at 96.  This is one of those times when you acknowledge sorrow, as you smile and celebrate his wonderful life.


  1. Thank you for this lovely tribute to a truly admirable man, Joan. His music always makes me smile, not to mention all the other good things he did in his life.

  2. A lovely tribute, Joan.

  3. He was indeed a hero on so many levels. He never wavered away from doing and saying - and singing - the right thing. Thanks, Joan. Phyllis

  4. He certainly made his mark on our history.

  5. Thanks for your words. I remember him with lots of affection.

  6. Thanks, Joan. Truly a life well lived. And I loved his singing, too.
