Thursday, September 17, 2020

Today and Tomorrow/September 17

 Out of Jail

Is this a John Grisham novel?  No.  It's real life.   Maya Moore, the WNBA star, left her career to work full time to secure the release of Jonathan Irons from prison.  It worked!  Maya says she has known Jonathan for 13 years.  That's an indication of how long it takes for an innocent person to finally be set free.  The delays are heartbreaking.  Yesterday, they announced their marriage.  Every good wish to them both.

In the latest issue of The Atlantic magazine there's a twisty tale of a woman who befriends a man in prison through a dog training program.  Eventually she helps him escape.  As you can image, this story has a different ending.  Great read.

If you're interested further, I just read a sobering but fascinating book by Jim McCloskey, When Truth is All You Have.  Jim has devoted his life to fighting for the incarcerated innocent.  Grisham credits Jim for inspiring his own writing on the subject.

Also, there's a remarkable program on Netflix:  Rectify.  I watched it a few years ago and it stays with me to this day.

1 comment:

  1. I've long thought that criminal justice reform should be higher on our list of priorities including immigration reform and possibly even health care.
