Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Quantum Rudy

Recently Rudy Guiliani made a statement that everyone noticed:  "Truth isn't truth," he said.  Depending on your loyalty to Trump, you probably either rolled your eyes or ignored the quote.

In an entirely different context, the "Truth isn't truth" remark carries some weight.  I'm not going to pretend that I grasp the quantum mechanics view of the universe accepted by physicists except to say that things are not what they seem and defy common sense.  At the sub-atomic level (and I mean really small) the "truth" is hard to pin down.  And, there is a necessary collaboration between the observer and the observed. 

Which brings me back to Rudy.  His willing collaborators are ready to accept what the rest of us regard as nonsense.  It all gets very squishy, doesn't it?

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