Thursday, September 25, 2014

Let's Have Rants

If there were ever a "rant contest" Keith Olbermann would win every time. His expert writing and rapid fire delivery are tops.  And, in order to deliver the best rant, you have to have a cranky soul. It's that soul that gives him the fearless "scorched earth" approach. He leaves nothing standing, including himself.  Are we surprised that he has been fired so many times? Or, that he always lands another gig?

When I heard him bash the NFL,  or Derek Jeter's too-adoring retirement tour, I longed for the time when he gave that same treatment to "W" on MSNBC.  Now that I'm tired of Rachael Maddow over-explaining everything and I've reached the point where Chris Hayes is too peppy for me, couldn't we have Keith on again?  At least for the fairly short time it will take before he explodes?

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