Friday, February 24, 2023

The Future


My friend and favorite blogger Gerry posed an interesting question:  what would you say to those living 1000 years from now.? Of course, he was pulling at our deepest wish: that something of us would carry forward after we die.

My mind went to: “will there be anyone to receive the message that far into the future?”

After thinking about it for a few days, this is about as much as I’ve come up with: The rearrangement of power that would have to take place to allow our version of life to continue

for 1000 years seems out of reach. But, keep in mind, this is my limited imagination speaking.

The first trick is to induce people to care what happens so far beyond their personal attachment to life.  Are we up for that? Will we even dream about those we will never know?  Will it be enough to spark the change in values?

It’s such a big ask.  What do you think?

Here is Gerry’s blog: :

He publishes about once a week and is worth following.


  1. I admit that thought has never occurred to me. I really can't think what I would say. If there are people 1000 years from now, I hope they have a healthy and egalitarian planet to live on.

    1. I think it would have to be as you describe it or we would have perished way before 1000 years.

    2. Thank you for the shout out, Joan. I hope your readers will take a look at what Bertrand Russell said in two minutes when asked that question, from a youtube video on the blog link to my post on this subject.

  2. These are not really original, but they resonate with me:

    • Pay attention

    • Think for yourself, but not by yourself

    • Be eclectic

    • Keep it simple, but not simplistic

    • Be humble

    • Be sincere
