Wednesday, June 2, 2021

My "No TV" Life


I watch a lot of TV.  Mostly sports and news shows.  Occasionally I hook up with a program.  Not now.  Not at all.  My cable connection disappeared and the solution is so far undiagnosed and thus untreated.  A technician isn't scheduled to arrive until next week.

And this is my happiest TV time!  NBA playoffs and a hot White Sox team.  But I'm managing to get the news I want to know.  Suns trounced the Lakers last night.  LeBron walked off the court five minutes early.  The Sox staged a valiant come back in the ninth against Cleveland but fell short by one run.  Israel may get rid of the "bad guy" because people of different political persuasions are getting together for the "good of the country." Here, some of us are still lamenting the afterlife of slavery while others demand the hierarchy remain in place.

I am reading a lot and watching movies on Netflix.  Life is good.  Did I miss anything?


  1. Grab a friend and go to a sports bar…. They’re great and it’s fun tonwatch a game with other excited people.

  2. Reading is good, radio, too. Remember when ball teams were out of town and the announcers didn't travel? Then the "sportscaster" read the ticker-tape and made stuff up to fill in the details he could imagine.
