Sunday, December 30, 2018

When Imagination is Enough

Juan Valdez died.  Remember when he was on TV for Columbian coffee?  He turned out to be special for me.

A very long time ago I took a weekend class called Silva Mind Control.  The idea was to learn exercises to expand the use of your mind.  One of the exercises involved imagining a "helper" -- someone who would step in when you were in need. Out of the ether came my spontaneous choice: Juan Valdez.

And, "he" did help me a few times.  Once was when I was lost on a road in Arizona.  A real life Juan came out of a little gas station and gave me directions.  Another time an imaginary Juan warned me about a dangerous liaison.  I didn't listen.

His death doesn't take him away.  Imagination is like that.  An expanded mind can go anywhere.