Wednesday, February 26, 2025

String of Pearls

 Kenny was my best friend during my high school years.  We both worked one college summer at Saks Fifth Avenue.  My mother was convinced that we would marry one day.  I knew nothing about homosexuality then, just that she was wrong about that.  Not Kenny.

I was in Chicago, married with small children when his name caught my eye.  He was Kenneth J. Lane, the jewelry designer.  The creator of Barbara Bush’s famous pearls. 

It was years before I saw him again. I was along on one of Len’s business trips to New York.  We went to visit Kenny at his town house.  His butler greeted us at the door.  Kenny was friendly but he was definitely Kenneth J. Lane.  

I kept track of him through the years, was so grateful that he didn’t die of Aids, but of natural causes when he was in his eighties.  It was a chance for my other high school buddy, Edythe, and I to reconnect .  We laughed and cried remembering Kenny ... and so many teenage times.


  1. That's exciting to know, Joan, that you knew Kenneth J. Lane! His brand is still alive and sells through this website:

  2. One can only wonder. A sentry guarding the truth? Famous Kenny, secret Kenny.

  3. I do recall your friendship with Kenny - so fascinating!! Camille
