Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Another R.I.P.


My cousin died.  Yes, it was from Covid-19.  I haven't seen him in many years but I remember him as a fun loving guy who was happy.  Yesterday, I received an invitation to his funeral via zoom.  It's a ceremony I would not have been able to attend even in different times because he lived in Toledo, Ohio.

What a strange, unnerving world it is where I can attend a "virtual" funeral while locked down behind my familiar walls.

My loving memories of my cousin never depended on our seeing each other often, so maybe it's not so strange after all.


  1. Condolences, Joan. I hope your memories of your cousin will, eventually, provide some solace. I'll keep a virtual hug warm for when we can meet again and I can offer the real thing.

  2. So sorry to hear about your loss and yes, how odd you can now virtually attend!

  3. We watch funerals all the time on Livestream and are so pleased to be a part of the Mass for our friends. It’s a way to cherish our relationship.

    Since we were nuns there are many people we know.
