Saturday, June 6, 2020

today and tomorrow/June 6

Why this guy?
A black man's life: Grew up poor.  Good athlete. Spent some time in jail.  Moved around.  Died from what was firmly in place.  Until it wasn't.  Painting the street was a great idea.  Big words, big color.
Slow meets fast. 

 Her reporter instincts intact, she has been walking the loop every day inspecting the scene.  She describes it as trashed, boarded up and a “war zone.”  She also reports that Trader Joe’s put their store back together overnight.  And Lori Lightfoot isn’t saying: “Shoot to kill.”  Slow meets fast.

And this happened.
In Pennsylvania, Jessica Benham (HD-36) will be the first autistic person to serve in the state legislature.

1 comment:

  1. I don't mean to minimize the damage to physical property described here, but phrases like "war zone" suggest scenes rather different than most of what I've seen in the pictorial and video coverage of the looting results. Our history books still exist to remind us.
