Saturday, October 7, 2017

My Boss is a Moron

I challenged "morons" at work twice and came away batting .500.  The strike out occurred when I was fired from a job in October.  The employment policy stated that if a worker was employed in July of a given year, the person was entitled to the year-end bonus. 

Because I had friends who were employment attorneys and did me a favor, we took my case to arbitration.  When I saw that the Governor's lawyer was representing the other side, I knew it was strike three.  Small consolation that they changed the policy after my case.

The home run was when I was caught in a mandatory drug testing situation.  Just because some folks from the mail room were smoking dope in the stairwell.  I refused, even though my attorney friends said it was legal and I had to comply.

I guess in this case the bosses really were morons, or just lazy, because I was never forced to take the test.


  1. such a good little article and bravo for not taking the test. Melinda

  2. Thanks Melinda. You are always there to make sure the "morons" are kept in check whenever possible.

  3. Didn't "Bugs Bunny" call them "maroons?" Good post, Joan.
