Sunday, March 2, 2025

Safe Times

 I was well into middle age before I began writing.  My friend Marsha inspired me to hold out for a creative job.  I listened because I was Joan Chandler now.  It took more than a year on the temp trail before I finally was hired to write copy for the National Safety Council.

The salary was pitiful. But I had some divorce money and it was a start.  The universe smiled because eventually the Council hired consultants to evaluate salaries and I ended up with decent money.

I enjoyed writing and producing all kinds of safety stuff. I was good at it and I got a lot done. But I was not a team player. I was impatient and had no respect for the big bosses.  Others in the department felt the same.  It was “The Office” way before that show ever made it onto TV.

One year, when told we could decorate our cubicles for Christmas, we found a life-size Elvis and played “Blue Christmas” on an endless loop. Tiny victories add up.   

I'm still glad to  see Annie and Julia.  Gayle wrote a good book,  Lisa is one of my best friends. Myles and I are going out for breakfast today.



  1. Great to have friends who you knew in the trenches.

  2. I love reading your stories.

  3. What fun we had working together! I am grateful for the National Safety Council and You!

  4. I worked at NSC from 72 to 76, in the research department
