Sunday, October 9, 2022

Who Do We Love?


Hershel Walker and Brett Favre Were Football Gods.  It Should Have Ended There.  When I saw this article in the Washington Post I nodded my head in agreement and then I started to think.

Athletic stars have never shared more of the spotlight than they do today.  We are a culture craving endless distraction and the media moguls know how to extract every available profit from our infinite goodwill.

Walker and Favre have stepped deep into it.  They deserve whatever fate awaits.  But why shouldn't a athletic star enter politics?  Or any other endeavor?  We can look at them anew. If fame gives you a leg up,  I trust that as much or more than I trust a billion dollars.  Don't you?


  1. I don't trust celebrity for more than the particular talent involved. Beyond that, show me. Walker and Farve are like Wizards of Oz, naked beneath the uniform, the curtain, and the amplified voice.

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