Monday, September 13, 2021

Fiction faces Life


                                                                            Elly Griffiths

A few months ago, my friend Trudy suggested I might like a series of books she called The Ruth Galloway Series by Elly Griffiths.   “They’re British mysteries,” she said.  “Ruth Galloway is a forensic archeologist.” 

Thus began my journey through fourteen books solidifying my enduring interest, admiration and love for this remarkable character and those populating her life.

Ruth is a proud, professional, competent, rational woman who is determined to acquire and retain recognition for her academic status and accomplishments in her field. Archeology makes sense of the past through relentless discovery and careful examination.  Layers of reality give us a place to stand.

She fusses over her weight, battles her skepticism about her evangelical parents, forms deep friendships with those who examine the world from many perspectives, and gloriously allows herself to become entangled in the ultimate human story —  the story of love.

The genius of Griffiths’ writing is presenting the value of history that can be unearthed and catalogued even as it stands next to what can only be lived and never fully explained.


  1. My Library system has many of her books. I will certainly try them; they sound fascinating!

  2. A marvelous encapsulation of her works.

  3. I am now on book 10 given your recommendation to Carole then to Heidi and me!!
