A few months ago I had lunch with a dynamic woman, Elaine Soloway. She is a fellow blogger, and public relations guru. PR simply means spreading the word about your new product or service. I've adapted some of Elaine's good ideas to give you some common sense tips with, of course, your customer in mind:
. Make a list that matches your customers' profile. Think of all the places, web sites, organizations, newspapers, schools, health clubs, etc. These are your initial contacts.
. Scan the local media daily for notices of meetings, fairs, shows. Contact the sponsors. This is where you can display your goods, explain your services, meet people up close and personal. If your business has an ethnic flair, don't forget to examine that media.
. Develop an interesting story about you and your start-up. Send a letter to local newspapers describing yourself and your business in a few sentences. Tell them they can have an "exclusive" story. Local media are always looking for content.
. Most urban neighborhoods have a Chamber of Commerce or Business Group. They are a definite resource so pay them a visit soon.
Next time . . . more tips and encouragement.
Joan Chandler
identity packages . resumes . web sites . blogs . press releases . brochures . memoirs . edit your materials